Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Big Fat Greek Dancing!

The ending to our week without walls trip to Greece is a night out for a "traditional dinner and dance show." It is similar to a luau in Hawaii or a belly dancing show in Turkey or a "Desert Safari" here in the UAE.

It is also traditional that the new teachers get to be the people selected by the dancers to appear onstage in the little "how to" dance sections of the program. This year I was "lucky" enough to be picked not only as a representative with the male dancers but I was also picked to learn from the belly dancer.

Throughout the night, yelling out opa at any point is encouraged. Near as we could get in translation is that opa means to party, get down or dance. But most Greeks say it really doesn't mean anything and that it's just an exclamation like hooray or yee-haw!
In addition to my gyrating hips, I was asked to raise my shirt and let out the belly...

One fancy dance is to boogie with the glass on your head...
Then, after downing the drink, the dance is finished by jumping up on the overturned cup! Opa!

Here we have a round of monkey see, monkey do where I learn more moves with cups involved.
My hamstring put to the limits before we toasted. Opa!

Hey 6th grade, let me see you get down!

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