Monday, October 29, 2012

Citi Field, Home of the Mets

 Citi Field is pretty sweet. Dad and Paul near the Shea apple.
 The apples of my eye.
 Bella with her favorite Met
 My Met girls behind home plate.
 Bella, Cousin Lisa and Rosie
 Coach Cat surveys the field
 On the field, two young, up and coming stars pose.
 The line-up: James, Emily, Jill, Bella, Rosie, Doug, Tone, Paul, Kerry and Lisa
 Bench warmers!
 This call to the bullpen is for Jesse the Messy Orosco
 Coaching from the top step
 Girls happy to sit where the Mets sit
 The Brothers Catanzaro guide the Mutts to yet another loss!
 Bella takes the field
 The empty dugout symbolizes another lost year for the Mets
 James triumphantly runs the bases with Emily
 "Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains"
 Really? Which one is Mr. Met?
Sadly, this is as close as we are going to get to a championship parade.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are great! Love the one of me and Rosie and Bella :)<3
    - Lisa
