The Leipold clan and Cat-Egan caravan, a boat ride to Pulau Ubin in Singapore.
Malcolm, Alexa, Bella, Grandma Fay and Aunt Tracey
Maya and Rosie
Alexa and Bella
The trees growing in the water
The kids on the shore in town.
3 of the 4 Leipold kids made the trip as Oscar had another play date.
"Bicycle, bicycle..."
"I want to ride my bicycle."
Alexa and Rosie survey the tandems.
Bella on a test drive.
Thankfully, no one required "bicycle surgery."
Alexa, the navigator!
Midway through the ride, some boars ran out into the road.
Maya and Rosie atop the lookout tower
Maya, Rosie, Malcolm, Alexa and Bella
The kids pondering the view
The boys, um, middle aged men.
Soaking up the green was a big part of the trip for this desert dweller
The kids on the path through the jungle (metaphor?)
Soggy roots
The tide goes under the boardwalk as you wander through the mangroves
A tree appearing to grow out of the ocean
Rosie and Maya walking ahead...
and further ahead
The older girls enjoyed their conversation,
and spotted fish under the bridge
Bella water break
Rolling down hill through the jungle
Bikes, bikes
and more bikes
Malcolm in front of the stilts house
Farewell to Pulau Ubin and back to the city